Annuity Professionals
Participate In The Upside Of The Stock Market Without Any Of The Downside Stock Market Risk

Webinar Log-in Information

Next Webinar:

Thursday February 3rd
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
Call-In Number: 202-998-4545

PleaseĀ  be sure to set a reminder on your calendar for this Webinar and print out the PowerPoint below so you can take notes.

Future Webinar Dates

  • Thursday February 24th

  • Thursday March 17th

  • Thursday April 7th

  • Thursday April 28th


Webinar Topics

  • TSP Fund Allocation Strategies.

  • Proposed changes to your federal retirement benefits.

  • The best time for you as a federal employee to retire.

  • Ways to protect your TSP from stock market losses outside of the G Fund.

  • Taxation of your federal pension, Social Security and TSP withdrawal proceeds.

  • Ways to help you maximize your Social Security and Federal Pension Incomes.

  • FERS & CSRS pension eligibility.

  • The 20 States that do not tax federal pensions or Social Security.

  • Federal Retirement FR 80 Rule

  • FERS Supplemental Annuity