Fixed Indexed Annuities participate in the upside of the stock market without any downside market risk. They offer Safety, Security, Capital Appreciation, Capital Preservation and a Guaranteed Lifetime Income.

These are the most commonly asked questions from our website visitors.

Are Fixed Indexed Annuities an Investment? It is an investment alternative that can not lose money due to market conditions. Investments can and do lose money due to market conditions.

Can a Fixed Indexed Annuity be in my 401K? Yes, but only if your 401K allows them. Ask your plan administrator if it is allowable; Most of the time they are.

Are the gains on Fixed Indexed Annuities tax free? They are Tax Deferred, so the gains accumulate without having to pay taxes on them, UNTIL you start taking money out.

How can a Fixed Indexed Annuity participate in the upside of the stock market, but can’t lose money due market conditions? Because they are an insurance related product, approved by your State to perform that way.

Can I have more than one Managed Index in my Fixed Indexed Annuity? Yes you can, and it is encouraged.

Are Fixed Indexed Annuities FDIC or SIPC insured? No, but they are guaranteed by the State Guarantee Associations, up to your State’s guarantee maximum amount.

Why shouldn’t I just keep my money in the stock market, as it always seems to recover from losses? The stock market doesn’t offer a Guaranteed Lifetime Income. Also, remember Warren Buffett’s Cardinal Rule “Don’t Lose Money”!

What happens to the money in a Fixed Indexed Annuity when I die? It will go to your designated beneficiary.

Are the advisors that sell Fixed Indexed Annuities “Fiduciaries”? Many of them are, but remember Bernie Madoff was a Fiduciary and look where that got his investors. We believe in dealing with people and not designations.

Is putting money in a Fixed Indexed Annuity similar to putting money in Gold or Silver? No, because there are significant risks to investing in Gold and Silver. Some Fixed Indexed Annuities actually have Gold as one of their available Managed Indexes.

When was the first annuity offered? Annuities were purchased to fund the American Revolution. Fixed Indexed Annuities were first offered in 1995.

How do I know which Fixed Indexed Annuity is right for me? There are over 1000 variations of Fixed Indexed Annuities. We can put you in touch with one of our Approved Advisors who will assess your financial goals and find the right one for you. It’s a complicated process made easy!

If you would like to learn more about Fixed Indexed Annuities and how they can strengthen your financial outlook, please complete and submit the form below.